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The DESIGN Graduate Experience

The Engineering Design (DESIGN) graduate program prepares the innovators of the future. We integrate the disciplines of engineering with design theory, business, psychology, and art through project-based learning. Through the graduate program, students develop the technical depth and breadth to solve problems related to products, systems, processes, and services. 

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Become a Master Designer

We are real-life problem solvers, focusing our curriculum on collaborative, client-driven project-based learning. We are creative thinkers and innovators, designing solutions to society's most complex dilemmas. 


We help you master DESIGN. 

Master of Engineering in Engineering Design

  • Intensive one-year, 32-credit program
  • Completion of an engineering internship or a scholarly paper
  • Ideal for working engineers who wish to dive deeper into design

Master of Science in Engineering Design

  • Comprehensive two-year, 32-credit program
  • Completion of a thesis
  • Ideal for engineers wishing to pursue a traditional two-year, research-based master's degree

Both degrees provide ample opportunities for students to sharpen their holistic design skills while gaining substantial practical experience in a studio environment. Both offer a chance to explore engineering challenges through multidimensional context-specific lenses, from beginning to end—helping students become master designers. 

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  • Contact
  • Nicholas Meisel
    Associate Director of Engineering Design Graduate Programs and Associate Professor of Engineering Design
    323 Engineering Design and Innovation Building


The School of Engineering Design and Innovation delivers effective engineering education and unrivaled research opportunities through active, collaborative, project-based, and professionally oriented classroom experiences. The school offers a variety of programs that partner faculty, students, and industry in the study of real-life engineering problems. Our programs teach students to solve real-life problems with innovative solutions. 

School of Engineering Design and Innovation

304 Engineering Design and Innovation Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-2952