Photo of Elizabeth Starkey

Elizabeth Starkey

Associate Teaching Professor
Engineering Design Minors and Certificates Coordinator


  • School of Engineering Design and Innovation
  • Engineering Design

322 Engineering Design and Innovation Building


Research Areas:

Engineering Design




  • BS, Computer Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2012
  • Masters of Science, Industrial Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 2017
  • Ph D, Industrial Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 2018


Journal Articles

  • Rohan Prabhu, J Herzog, R Fodale, Mohammad Alsager Alzayed and Elizabeth Starkey, 2024, "Feeling The Distance: Exploring Novice Student Designers’ Perceptions of the Psychological Distance and Empathic Response Towards Variations of a Sustainable Design Problem", Journal of Mechanical Design
  • Rohan Prabhu, Mohammad Alsager Alzayed and Elizabeth Starkey, 2023, "Not Good Enough? Exploring Relationships Between Novice Designers' Trait Empathy, Their Beliefs, Attitudes, and Intentions Toward Sustainability, and the Self-Evaluated Sustainability of Their Solutions", Journal of Mechanical Design, 145, (4)
  • Rohan Prabhu, Mohammad Alsager Alzayed and Elizabeth Starkey, 2023, "Feeling the heat: investigating the influence of novice designers' trait empathy, and their beliefs, attitudes, and intentions towards sustainability on their identification of problem requirements", Research in Engineering Design, 34, (1), pp. 61--76
  • Hannah Nolte, Nicolas Soria Zuita, Elizabeth Starkey and Christopher McComb, 2023, "Investigating the relationship between mindfulness, stress and creativity in introductory engineering design", Design Science, 9, pp. e20
  • Mohammad Alsager Alzayed, Elizabeth Starkey and Rohan Prabhu, 2022, "Exploring the relationship between students’ empathy, their attitudes towards sustainability, and their reflections on a workshop on sustainable design", International Journal of Engineering Education
  • Elizabeth Starkey, 2022, "Digitizing Dissection: A Case Study on Augmented Reality and Animation in Engineering Education", Journal of Mechanical Design
  • Torsten Maier, Nicolas Soria Zuita, Elizabeth Starkey, Daniel Spillane, Christopher McComb and Jessica Menold, 2022, "Comparing Human and Cognitive Assistant Facilitated Brainstorming Sessions", Journal of Engineering Design, 33, (4), pp. 259-283
  • Scarlett Rae Miller, Samuel T Hunter, Elizabeth M Starkey, Sharath Ramachandran, Faez Ahmed and Mark Fuge, 2021, "How Should We Measure Creativity in Engineering Design? A Comparison Between Social Science and Engineering Approaches", Journal of Mechanical Design, 143, (3), pp. 9
  • Elizabeth Starkey, Mohammad Alsager Alzayed, Samuel Hunter and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2020, "Dissection Versus Incubation: The Within-Subject Effects of Product Dissection Activities on Design Variety", Journal of Mechanical Design, 142, (1), pp. 13
  • Elizabeth Starkey, Samuel T Hunter and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2019, "Are creativity and self-efficacy at odds? an exploration in variations of product dissection in engineering education", Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, 141, (1)
  • Elizabeth Starkey, Jessica Menold and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2019, "When Are Designers Willing to Take Risks? How Concept Creativity and Prototype Fidelity Influence Perceived Risk", Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, 141, (3)
  • Elizabeth Starkey, A.S. McKay, Samuel T Hunter and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2018, "Piecing together product dissection: How dissection conditions impact student conceptual understanding and cognitive load", Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, 140, (5)
  • Elizabeth Starkey, C.A. Toh and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2016, "Abandoning creativity: The evolution of creative ideas in engineering design course projects", Design Studies, 47

Conference Proceedings

  • Rohan Prabhu, Elizabeth Starkey, Mohammad Alsager Alzayed and Sarah Ritter, 2024, "Sustaining Creatively? Investigating the Effects of Creativity and Sustainability-Focused Evaluation Criteria in Design Tasks", ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2024)
  • Presley Dougherty, Cynthia Letting, Cj Witherell, Nicolas Soria Zuita, Elizabeth Starkey and Jessica Menold, 2024, "Navigating Team Dialogues: How Team Dynamics Affect Convergent and Divergent Design Actions During Concept Generation and Selection", ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2024)
  • Amanda Brundage, Elizabeth Starkey, Nicolas Soria Zuita, Jessica Menold and Kathryn W Jablokow, 2024, "The Effects of Incubation, Fixation Stimuli, and Working Memory Capacity on Design Fixation", ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2024)
  • Elizabeth Starkey, Nicolas Soria Zuita, Sarah Ritter and Matthew B Parkinson, 2024, "Will the First-Year Makers Please Stand Up? Understanding What Drives Student Choices in a First-Year Maker Experience", ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings
  • Jenna Herzog, Rebekah Fodale, Mohammad Alsager Alzayed, Elizabeth Starkey and Rohan Prabhu, 2023, "Feeling the Distance: Exploring Novice Designers' Perceptions of the Psychological Distance Towards and Empathy Induced by Problem Variations", International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 87318
  • Joanna DeFranco, Dena Lang, Elizabeth Starkey, Robin Tate and Sven G Bilén, 2023, "An Online Professional Engineering Doctorate Program: Getting the Program Launched from Design to Delivery", ASEE Zone 1 Conference-Spring 2023
  • Elizabeth Starkey, Sarah Ritter, Jessica Menold and Jacquelyn Huff, 2023, "CAD it up-Incorporating CAD into Design Projects in First Year Engineering Courses", ASEE Zone 1 Conference-Spring 2023
  • Mohammad Alsager Alzayed, Elizabeth Starkey and Rohan Prabhu, 2022, "Now Is the Time! Exploring the Effects of Variations in the Timing of a Sustainable Design Educational Intervention", ASME 2022 Design Education Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 4, pp. 13
  • Elizabeth M Starkey, Mohammad Alsager Alzayed, C and Rohan Prabhu, 2022, "Am I Right? Investigating the Influence of Trait Empathy and Attitudes Towards Sustainability on the Accuracy of Concept Evaluations in Sustainable Design", ASME 2022 Design Automation Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference., 3B, pp. 14
  • Jessica M Gonzalez-Vargas, Courtney Cole, Sandeep Krishnakumar, Kathleen Shatinsky, Everett Hills and Elizabeth Starkey, 2022, "Innovating Walking Speed as a Vital Sign: An Interface Development and Usability Study", Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 66, (1), pp. 4
  • Hannah Nolte, Elizabeth Starkey, Christopher McComb and Nicolas Soria Zuita, 2022, "Student and Instructor Reflections on Integrating Short Mindfulness-Based Meditation Practices into a First-Year Engineering Design Course", American Society of Engineering Education Conference on First-Year Engineering Experience, pp. I 7
  • Jongho Park, Elizabeth M Starkey, Nathan Choe and Christopher McComb, 2022, "Emergence of Engineering Design Self-efficacy in Engineering Identity Development", Design Computing and Cognition
  • Rohan Prabhu, Mohammed Alsager Alzayed and Elizabeth Marie Starkey, 2021, "Feeling the Heat! Exploring the Relationship Between Students' Empathy, Attitudes Towards Sustainability, and Their Identification of Problem Requirements", ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, pp. 11
  • Hannah Nolte, Xiaomei Tan, Alexander Weaver and Elizabeth Marie Starkey, 2021, "Modification of Robotics Curriculum for Project-Based First Year Engineering Design Course", ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering ConferenceASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, pp. 12
  • Rohan Prabhu, Mohammed Alsager Alzayed and Elizabeth Marie Starkey, 2021, "Not Good Enough? Exploring Relationships Between Students' Empathy, Their Attitudes Towards Sustainability, and the Self-Perceived Sustainability of Their Solutions", ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering ConferenceASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, pp. 10
  • Rohan Prabhu, Elizabeth Marie Starkey and Mohammed Alsager Alzayed, 2021, "Student Reflections on Sustainability and Empathy: The Outcomes of a Sustainability Workshop in First-year Design Courses", 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, pp. 19
  • Aoran Peng, John Ostrander, Noriana Radwan, Elizabeth Starkey, Scarlett Rae Miller and Jason Zachary Moore, 2021, "Low-Cost Haptic Force Needle Insertion Simulator With Advanced Personalized Learning System", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, 10, (1), pp. 6
  • Christie Hasbrook and Elizabeth M Starkey, 2021, "Cub Companion: Aiding The Establishment of Trust Between Patients and Nurses In Pediatric Oncology Units Via Technology And Augmented Reality", Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 66, (1), pp. 5
  • Scarlett Rae Miller, Samuel T Hunter, Elizabeth Starkey, Sharath Ramachandran, Faez Ahmed and Mark Fuge, 2020, "How Should We Measure Creativity in Design Studies? A Comparison of Social Science and Engineering Approaches", International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 83976
  • Andrea Ragonese and Elizabeth Starkey, 2020, "Implementing Product Dissection in Virtual Classrooms", 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference
  • Jessica Menold, Catherine Berdanier, Sarah Ritter, Meredith Handley, Caitlin Grady, Margaret Byron, Elizabeth Starkey, Scarlett Rae Miller and Matthew B Parkinson, 2020, "BUILDing a community of female makers through hands-on experiences in a university MakerSpace", IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), pp. 8
  • Torsten Maier, Nicolas F Soria Zurita, Elizabeth Starkey, Daniel Spillane, Jessica Menold and Christopher McComb, 2020, "Analyzing the Characteristics of Cognitive-Assistant-Facilitated Ideation Groups", International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 83976
  • Charlotte DeVries, Kate Fu, Elizabeth Starkey, Christine Toh, Nicole B Damen, Shraddha Joshi, Brian Sylcott and Kathryn Jacobson, 2020, "Broadening Participation: Over Ten Years of Outreach Within the IDETC-DED Community", International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 83921
  • Kevin G Kearney, Elizabeth Starkey and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2020, "Digitizing Dissection: A Case Study on Augmented Reality and Animation in Engineering Education", ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, pp. 10
  • Elizabeth Starkey, Scarlett Rae Miller and Samuel T Hunter, 2019, "Deploying virtual product dissection lesson modules in introductory engineering classrooms: A research driven approach", ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings
  • C. Riegel, Elizabeth Starkey, Samuel T Hunter and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2019, "Do students want to dissect?: A survey of student opinions on the use of product dissection in the classroom", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 3
  • K.G. Kearney, Elizabeth Starkey and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2019, "Leveraging animations to enhance learning through virtual product dissection", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 3
  • Elizabeth Starkey, M.A. Alzayed, Samuel T Hunter and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2018, "Confidently exploring the solution space: The within-subject effects of product dissection on design variety and creative self-efficacy", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 3
  • Elizabeth Starkey, W. Zeng and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2018, "Fixated on fixation? An exploration of the benefits and deficits of design "Fixation" in engineering design", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 7
  • Elizabeth Starkey, Jessica Menold and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2018, "When are designers willing to take risks? How concept creativity and prototype fidelity influence perceived risk", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 7
  • Elizabeth Starkey, C. Spencer, K. Lesniak, Conrad S Tucker and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2017, "Do technological advancements lead to learning enhancements? an exploration in virtual product dissection", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 3
  • C.A. Toh, Elizabeth Starkey, C.S. Tucker and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2017, "Mining for creativity: Determining the creativity of ideas through data mining techniques", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 7
  • Elizabeth Starkey, A.S. McKay, Samuel T Hunter and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2016, "Let's get physical? The impact of dissection modality on engineering student design learning", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 3
  • Elizabeth Starkey, C.A. Gosnell and Scarlett Rae Miller, 2015, "Implementing creativity evaluation tools into the concept selection process in engineering education", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 3

Research Projects

  • September 2020 - May 2021, "Formalizing the role of ideation techniques in engineering design classrooms," (Sponsor: Schreyer Institute).

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

  • Committee Work, Coordinator, Engineering Design Certificates and Minors Coordinator, August 2021

Service to External Organizations:

  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Chairperson, Committee Chair, Design Education Committee, August 2023 - August 2024
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Chairperson, Committee Vice Chair, Design Education Committee, August 2022 - August 2023
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Chairperson, Conference Chair, Design Education Committee, August 2021 - August 2022
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Chairperson, Program Chair, Design Education Committee, August 2020 - August 2021
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Secretary, Design Education Committee, August 2018 - August 2020



The School of Engineering Design and Innovation delivers effective engineering education and unrivaled research opportunities through active, collaborative, project-based, and professionally oriented classroom experiences. The school offers a variety of programs that partner faculty, students, and industry in the study of real-life engineering problems. Our programs teach students to solve real-life problems with innovative solutions. 

School of Engineering Design and Innovation

304 Engineering Design and Innovation Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-2952